Monday, September 27, 2010


The Lord has been recently speaking to my heart quite frequently about the aroma of our house. I do not mean if it smells good due to a candle or after mopping the floors with Pinesol (which I truly enjoy both of the fragrances), but instead if our house is smelling sweet to our Lord and to those who enter into it. The verse which comes to mind is 2 Corinthians 2:15, which states: "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing." So often, we allow our circumstances, bad attitudes, stresses of life to destroy the aroma of our home. I find myself having to stop on a daily basis and ask the Lord to refresh the aroma of our home. We want to exhibit the sweet smelling aroma of Christ to all who enter into our home and to the other family members who share our home. We pray that our home will be a sanctuary where the Lord will draw people to Himself, for this reason we must stay focused on keeping Him as the fragrance of our lives and our home. To this end, we are very excited about this coming week, because the Lord has graciously allowed us to have three different opportunities where we will be opening up our home to others. We covet your prayers for each of these times.

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